Happy Mother's Day and what better day to reveal a preacher's kid's book than on a Sunday?! We are excited to finally show you the final book cover design as it will appear in print (pictured below)! Just listen to the roar of the arena crowd...Yeeeeeeeee hawwwwww! A HUGE thank you to Christer from the "The Lettering Supply Co." for capturing the essence of the book—a fantastic job! It's kind of fun to go back and compare it to the original concept sketch too.
Annoucing the release date for It Was That Dang Red-Headed Preacher’s Kid • Episodes from My Whimsical Childhood is the next item of business, and that happens in just a few more days. Hang tight!
Cover Revealed!

May 8, 2016

Oh yea, be sure and tell your entire BMX freestylin' team.